Design Deep Dive: Custom Rug Ed.
When people hear “custom,” they typically think from-the-ground-up sort of custom. Many “custom” orders for Perennials Rugs are actually just custom colorways. Perennials rug designs are excellent starting points for designers to create a piece that perfectly fits a space. They merely require tweaking the color. With over 6,000 color poms to choose from, the options are endless in terms of customizing the hue of your dream rug. Keep reading to learn how two designers took an existing Perennials design, and made it their own by changing the color.
New York-based interior design firm, Drake/Anderson, complemented a sophisticated high-rise living room with our Splash Tibetan knot rug. In lieu of one of Splash’s three existing colorways, principal designer Jamie Drake opted to pull in blues and greens from other pieces in the room like the chartreuse sofa. “The sofa, chair, low table, and lamp are all curvaceous, as is the dappled pattern of the custom rug,” explains Drake. “A rich palette of citrine, teal and smoke is unusual and exotic.”
Laura Lee Clark
Laura Lee Clark Falconer, founder of Dallas-based firm Laura Lee Clark Interior Design, is no stranger to bold design. A lover of color and pattern, Falconer doubled down on bold blues in this beautiful sitting room. Falconer took Porter Teleo’s En Plein Air Tibetan knot rug, and punched it up with electric blues. “The color blue was the driving force of this playroom. Varying shades of the color adds interest and depth,” says Falconer. “But the careful balance of scale and patterns really energizes the space!”
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